Communications Coaching

Command attention. Connect. Communicate.

Most of us have experienced the sweaty palms and dry mouth that accompanies an important speech or presentation whether it's a social event or at a key conference. Even the most accomplished speakers/ presenters can and do get it badly wrong. The businessman Gerald Ratner speaks candidly of the ten-second moment when a 'casual joke' destroyed his multi-million-pound business. But with the right preparation and a few simple steps, you can mitigate nerves and the most common pitfalls.

We’ve all experienced ‘death by powerpoint’ and most of us are aware of it’s dangers and yet, too often we see the mistake repeated because people forget the fundamental fact that slides are an ‘aid’ to your presentation - they are not ‘the’ presentation. We detail the common mistakes, how to avoid them and how to ‘turbo-charge’ your presentations with a simple premise.

Unlock your communication potential

I've seen and helped the quietest, most nervous people blossom into the most powerful speakers, once they've developed the method and confidence to face an audience.

I'll discuss some key points that will add power to your presentations, including:

  • Preparation

  • Posture and dress

  • How to connect more effectively with your audience

  • Three REALLY IMPORTANT principles that will radically improve your talk.

Turbo-charge your presentations

You'll learn techniques to command attention, exude confidence, and build strong connections with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. We’ll also explore techniques to engage remote audiences, project credibility through a screen, and build rapport in a virtual environment.

These sessions are designed to be one to one but can be adapted for groups and can be delivered either face-to-face or online and tailored to suit the individual. The initial consultation is free then fees are negotiable, according to support required.

Schedule a Consultation